#令和3年3月31日付告発状 Emacs-Lisp関数# Markdownから見出しレベルを指定しWikiに投稿するデータを生成するEmacs-Lisp関数

〉〉〉 Linux Emacs: 2021/04/14 11:31:41 〉〉〉

;; 2021-04-14
(defun k-markdown-copy-to-subtree-wiki (arg)
  "Narrow buffer to the current subtree."
  (interactive "p")
    (let ((=start)(=end)(=p)(line_start)(line_end))
      (setq exec (lambda (pattern1 pattern2)
                   (setq =p (point))
                   (re-search-backward pattern1 nil t)(setq =start (point))
                   (beginning-of-line)(setq line_start (point))
                   (end-of-line)(setq line_end (point))
                   (setq lv1 (concat "./" (car (nthcdr 5 (split-string (buffer-file-name) "/"))) "/"))
                   (setq lv2 (concat (car (nthcdr 6 (split-string (buffer-file-name) "/"))) "/"))
                   (setq title (concat  lv1 lv2 (buffer-substring line_start line_end)))
                   ;;(progn (markdown-back-to-heading-over-code-block t) (setq =start (point)))
                   ;;(progn (markdown-end-of-subtree)
                   ;;(if (and (markdown-heading-at-point) (not (eobp)))
                   (goto-char =p)(message (int-to-string =start))(message (format "\\(%s\\|%s\\)" pattern2 pattern1))
                   (cond  ((re-search-forward (format "\\(%s\\|%s\\)" pattern2 pattern1) nil t)
                           (progn (backward-char 1)(beginning-of-line)(setq =end (point))))
                           (message "該当なし")))(message "%s" (int-to-string =end))
                   (setq fname (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name)))
                   (string-match ".+_\\(.+\\)\\.md" fname)
                   (setq fname (match-string 1 fname))
                   ;;(copy-region-as-kill =start =end)
                   ;; 指定した範囲のリージョンのテキストを変数に代入
                   (setq title (replace-regexp-in-string "#+ " "" title))
                   ;;(setq title (concat fname " #令和3年3月31日付告発状 " title))
                   (setq fname (concat "TITLE:" title))
                   (setq fname (concat fname "\n#contents\n----\n"))
                   (setq text (buffer-substring-no-properties =start =end))
                   (setq text (concat fname text))
                   (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "^#### " "**** " text))
                   (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "^### " "*** " text))
                   (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "^## " "** " text))
                   (setq text (replace-regexp-in-string "^# " "* " text))
                   (message title)
                   ;; クリップボードに変数の内容を送る。
                   (generate-new-buffer "a")
                     (insert text)
                     (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "xsel" nil "a" nil "--clipboard" "--input"))
                   (message "%s" (buffer-string))
                   (kill-buffer "a")
                   (generate-new-buffer "b")
                     (insert title)
                     (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "xsel" nil "b" nil "--primary" "--input")
                     (message "%s" (buffer-string)))
                   (kill-buffer "b")))

      ;; (if (boundp n)
      ;;     (setq n 3))
      (if arg (setq n arg)
         (setq n 3)) ;;なぜか1の処理が実行される。なかなか消えなかったエラー。

      (cond ((eq n 1)
             (funcall exec "^# .+$" "^# .+$"))
            ((eq n 2)
             (funcall exec "^## .+$" "^# .+$"))
            ((eq n 3)
            (funcall exec "^### .+$" "^## .+$"))
            (funcall exec "^### .+$" "^## .+$")))

〈〈〈 2021/04/14 11:33:23 Linux Emacs: 〈〈〈